
Hookah is a water pipe designed for smoking flavored tobacco, which is also termed "maassel". Many identify hookah as narghile or shisha. Though it has its origins in the Middle East, hookah is prevalent worldwide. With a plethora of great options available on the market, choosing the right hookah can be quite daunting, especially if you are just getting started. It is imperative to decide on something user-friendly, suitable for novices, and offering a seamless and pleasurable experience. Let us take a look at these top hookah varieties for beginners:

Traditional Hookahs: Traditional hookahs are popular for their intricate carvings and detail. These Middle Eastern-made hookahs have a more traditional and authentic feel. They are typically made with top-notch materials like brass or copper and craftsmanship, which makes them strong and long-lasting. These hookahs, however, may be a little heavier and necessitate regular cleaning and maintenance. Such timeless, traditional hookahs can be the best option for beginners who value artistry and tradition.

Modern Hookahs: Modern hookahs have an elegant, contemporary look and are usually constructed with stainless steel, glass, or acrylic. For beginners, using such stunning modern hookahs can be made more enjoyable as they often come with features like multiple hose ports, a diffuser, and an integrated purge valve. In comparison to conventional hookahs, modern hookahs are also easier to clean and maintain. Moreover, they are very lightweight and thus easier to carry around. If you are new to hookah and like something contemporary and practical, modern hookah is meant for you.

Glass Hookahs: Glass hookahs, as the name suggests, are entirely made of glass and look very classy and sophisticated. They are frequently recognized as the hookah variant with the best aesthetic appeal. Thanks to the transparent glass base, you can see the smoke and water within, which can enhance the smoking experience. Glass hookahs, however, are more brittle and are easily breakable if not handled with caution. They frequently cost more than other hookah styles, but they are great if you seek a luxurious and eye-catching option.

Acrylic Hookahs: Of all the hookah styles, acrylic hookahs happen to be the most sturdy and lightweight option because they are manufactured out of high-quality plastic. Moreover, acrylic hookahs are break-resistant, so you or anyone prone to accidents can use them even outside without any worries. Because of its clear acrylic base, it is visually pleasing to see the water level and smoke building up inside. Acrylic hookahs are also easy to clean and take care of. If you are looking for a strong, transportable, and minimally maintained option, opt for an acrylic hookah without any second thought.

Mini Hookahs: Being small and portable, mini hookahs make the best choice for indulging yourself in a quick session on-the-go or in confined spaces. Mini hookahs can still deliver a smooth and satisfying smoking experience despite their diminutive size. Moreover, they are usually more affordable than larger hookahs. A mini hookah is the ideal option for those seeking a transportable and cost-effective hookah to get started.

To wrap up, the ideal hookah for beginners entirely depends on the preferences and requirements of the smoker. While modern hookahs are perfect if you want cutting-edge and practical options, traditional hookahs are great for those who value artistry and tradition. Glass hookahs are appropriate for those who want visually stunning and opulent pieces, while acrylic hookahs are a long-lasting and easy-to-maintain option. Finally, those looking for a portable and affordable option should consider mini hookahs.