
If you want your hookah to function smoothly and you to enjoy clean and flavorful smoke every time, you need to clean it regularly. The performance of the hookah and the flavor of the smoke can be adversely affected when there is an accumulation of tobacco and charcoal residue in the hookah. The following steps will show you how to clean your hookah:

I. Dismantle the Hookah

Disassemble the hookah by removing all of its parts, including the bowl, hose, base, and stem. When taking apart the hookah, take care to prevent ruining any of the parts.

II. Cleanse the Base

You can clean the base by filling it with warm water and adding a few drops of dish soap. Carefully clean the inside of the base using a brush with an extended handle. Scrub every crevice and area thoroughly where residue could have amassed. To remove the soap completely, thoroughly rinse the base with warm water. Moreover, you can use specialized hookah cleaning products available on the market to maintain your hookah base.

III. Cleanse the Stem

If you need to clean inside the stem, use a stem brush. Scrub inside the stem while running warm water through it to get rid of all the grime residue. Pay proper attention where the stem shrinks because buildup tends to collect there. Apart from dish soap, you can use a specialized cleaner to clean it.

IV. Cleanse the Hose

How to clean the hookah hose depends on whether it is a washable hose or a traditional non-washable one. Flush out accumulated debris by running warm water through the washable hose. To get rid of any persistent flavors, you can also use lemon juice or baking soda. You can use a specialized hose cleaner or a hose to get rid of any residue from non-washable hoses. Before washing the hose, take time to carefully read the manufacturer's instructions.

V. Cleanse the Bowl

Use a brush or sponge to wash the bowl with some warm water and dish soap. Take time to scrub the bowl thoroughly on both sides and get rid of the residue buildup. Again, rinse it with warm water to remove all the soap.

VI. Cleanse the Grommets and Small Components

You can wash and disinfect the hookah grommets and other small components by soaking them in warm, soapy water for a short while, then giving them a vigorous scrub using a sponge or brush. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly with warm water.

VII. Put the Hookah Parts Together

After cleaning and drying all the components, reassemble the hookah. It is essential that all connections are done correctly and that there are no air leaks.

VIII. Clean Your Hookah Regularly

Keeping your hookah clean after each use will ensure a fresh and flavorful smoke.


In the end, it is crucial to clean your hookah regularly to ensure it functions efficiently and you get to experience clean, smooth, and delicious smoke every time. Always review the manufacturer's instructions before cleaning the hose and other delicate parts. If properly cared for, your hookah will last a long time and provide a pleasurable smoking session.